
Thank you for your support. Referrals mean the world to us!

Referrals are welcome!

Referrals are the cornerstone of any service business.  This firm relies on satisfied clients as the primary source of new business, and your referrals are both welcome and most sincerely appreciated!
Absolute Confidentiality
Since your referrals are generally business owners you are well acquainted with, you may have some concern that your business matters will be discussed with the new clients that you refer.  This office guarantees the confidentiality of client information.  Your personal, financial and tax data will not be shared with anyone else.
An Expression of Confidence
When you refer clients to us, you are expressing your faith and confidence in the services that we offer and will continue to provide to you.  You may have business associates who need professional bookkeeping assistance or family and friends who struggle to do their own books every year.  No matter who you refer, rest assured that their individual needs will be handled in the same professional manner as yours have been.

Let Us Help:

Moving Your Washington Metropolitan Business Toward Positive Cash Flow

Did you know the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has a YouTube page? Guess everyone’s got one these days, huh?I bring this up because, on Tuesday, April 30th, they are hosting a little information-giving session on their channel about Beneficial...

Five Reasons to Take Scenario Planning Seriously in Your Washington Metropolitan Small Business

Happy Earth Day. The day we celebrate this little blue marble we all enjoy living on. I found this fascinating as I was reading about it this morning — there are so many elements that make up the scenario of a thriving Planet Earth. Less threats because...

CFPB Small Business Loan Requirements & Your Washington Metropolitan Biz

Ever thought about taking a “mini sabbatical”? As in, longer than a week vacation and focused specifically on total rest? Here’s why I ask…Tax Day has come and gone, and, after a four-month sprint of paperwork marathons and client demands, my tax pro friends are...

Using KPIs For Your Washington Metropolitan Business

Being able to reasonably forecast upcoming problems has become an essential skill for Washington Metropolitan business owners -- but too many are flying blind, or doing "bank balance accounting." Can we help you fix this? Using KPIs For Your Washington Metropolitan...

Are Your Washington Metropolitan Business’s Receivables Slowing Down?

One of my favorite things about what we get to do around here is helping our Washington Metropolitan clients find "missing money" in their businesses. Whether it's through cost reductions, profit analysis, tax planning (LOTS of money can be saved there), or other...

Use These Financial Reports For Business Decisions By GEM Accounting & Tax, LLC

How do you make financial decisions for your Washington Metropolitan business? Do you set aside time to review your actual financial reports, or are you committing "bank balance bookkeeping"? You know what I mean: checking your business bank account daily as a...

Struggling Washington Metropolitan Businesses: Careful With Price Reductions

If you're struggling in your Washington Metropolitan business, tempted to do some price reductions to drum up sales, and not getting the traction you need... I have a quick thought for you today. Struggling Washington Metropolitan Businesses: Careful With Price...

Developing Accountability In Your Washington Metropolitan Business

Before we get to talking about accountability in your Washington Metropolitan business... During the first Super Bowl that Tom Brady won (with the Patriots), these were some of the companies who advertised (hat tip to Jon Erlichman of Bloomberg): AOL Blockbuster Radio...

GEM Accounting & Tax, LLC’s Top 5 List of Potentially Fatal Business Mistakes

There is a difference between income and wealth. Tax returns aren't about wealth -- they're about "income", and how that is defined. Business owners and real estate investors have access to powerful tax advantages that wage earners do not ... and wage-earners probably...

Passing Down Your Washington Metropolitan Family Business

If we've learned anything from 2020, it's that our best-laid plans don't always turn out. As the great philosopher, Mike Tyson once said: Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. What is your plan for exiting your Washington Metropolitan family...

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